Your money is your money, and you can spend it how you like. But in case you need a helping hand with your finances, here are some tips that may help:

Tip 1) Make a budget

Working to a budget makes it easier to plan your essential spending (like rent or mortgage payments, food, bills, travel) and to know how much you have leftover to spend on non-essential things. 


Not got a budget? Try this online budget planner from MoneyHelper.


Tip 2) Use on-demand pay responsibly


Each time you transfer on-demand pay, the amount you’ll receive on your usual payday will go down. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on how much you’re transferring during the month so you don’t leave yourself short on your usual payday. 


Tip 3) Help with money troubles 

If your financial commitments are becoming unmanageable, it’s important not to ignore it. Getting your finances under control is an important step and there’s lots of support available. MoneyHelper offers free and impartial help with money.

Tip 4) Gambling support

If you’ve bet more than you can really afford to lose, it’s a good idea to seek help. Free and confidential help is available:

GamCare offers free information, help, and support. It runs the National Gambling Helpline (0808 8020 133) and also offers face-to-face counselling. 

Gamblers Anonymous UK runs local support groups and offers lots of useful tools including money management guidance.